Lago di Garda
Lago di Garda
00:00 - 23:59
00:00 - 23:59
00:00 - 23:59
00:00 - 23:59
00:00 - 23:59
00:00 - 23:59
00:00 - 23:59
00:00 - 23:59
Il Lago di Garda, o Benaco, è il più grande dei laghi italiani. A sud si trova circondato dalle colline moreniche lasciate dal ritiro dei ghiacci e, nella parte a nord più alta e stretta, avvolto dalle alte catene montuose che gli conferiscono la forma e l’andamento di un fiordo e lo proteggono rendendo il suo clima particolarmente mite di tipo mediterraneo.
Durata: Più di 3 ore
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I modi migliori per scoprire: Lago di Garda
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3’383 recensioni
Molto buono
Nella media
guido p
20 contributi
ago 2024 • Amici
Scritta in data 22 agosto 2024
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Sonja C
Capo d'Orlando, Italia8 contributi
nov 2023 • Coppie
Paesaggio bellissimo, natura, paesi, vista...tutto perfetto, ma....tutto chiuso. Ovunque siamo andati non c'erano bar e ristoranti aperti. Posso capire che hanno bisogno di meritato riposo dopo la stagione lavorativa, ma datevi il cambio con le chiusure. Non è possibile che i turisti di novembre abbiano difficoltà di trovare un ristorante dove mangiare. Triste anche che sui siti non sia neanche scritto che sono chiusi.
Scritta in data 17 novembre 2023
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Massimo I
Mondo410 contributi
giu 2023 • Coppie
Per la prima volta dopo averne tanto sentito parlare e viste le foto, sono stato a vederlo di presenza...
Ne vale veramente la pena di andarci, molto bello anche la stessa località Garda e bella, con i suoi localini e negozietti...
Ne vale veramente la pena di andarci, molto bello anche la stessa località Garda e bella, con i suoi localini e negozietti...
Scritta in data 28 giugno 2023
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Penisola del Gargano, Italia1’609 contributi
ago 2022
Di passaggio nell'incantevole Garda, abbiamo ammirato questa splendida perla incastonata tra le montagne. Le sue meravigliose acque trasparenti bagnano tanti chilometri di costa punteggiate da bellissimi borghi e da un ambiente di straordinario pregio naturalistico. Infatti, il microclima creato dal bacino del lago, ha favorito lo sviluppo di una rigogliosissima vegetazione tipica del clima mediterraneo, come l'olivo e la vite e altre piante, oltre alla magnifica fauna, in particolare acquatica e di uccelli. Questo clima e la straordinaria bellezza dei luoghi baciati dal sole, diffondono un senso di serenità e profumi unici che inebriano tutti i sensi!! Luoghi e natura di straordinaria bellezza, sicuramente da godere e visitare assolutamente!!!!!
Scritta in data 23 ottobre 2022
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Modena, Italia229 contributi
set 2022
E' veramente una perla incastonata tra le montagne, con i suoi profumi e le sue essenze inebria i sensi. Per fortuna si trova in Italia
Scritta in data 23 settembre 2022
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Manuela L
Foggia, Italia1’302 contributi
lug 2022 • Famiglia
Consiglio assolutamente la navigazione sul traghetto che dona dei panorami di cui non si riesce a godere visitando il lago su strada. Ben collegate le varie località, il giro in traghetto da' anche il vantaggio di poter raggiungere le destinazioni in brevissimi tempo.
Scritta in data 23 agosto 2022
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
erika c
2 contributi
lug 2022
bellissimo ritornarci, ogni volta regala una gioia diversa. peccato non esser riusciti a fare l'escursione in barca.
Scritta in data 20 luglio 2022
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Iseo, Italia197 contributi
set 2021 • Famiglia
Posto davvero incantevole. Chiuso nelle mura vecchie e dentro racconta una storia che è da vivere! Molto caro per via di negozi, ristoranti etc ma credo che una volta nella vita meriti! E ne valga la pena!
Scritta in data 10 luglio 2022
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Paola B
Fabriano, Italia4’935 contributi
apr 2022
E' difficile condensare in un unico giudizio le emozioni che suscitano le tante località intorno al lago, che sono diverse tra loro, ciascuna con la sua anima e le sue specificità. Riva è più "città", Limone è animata e singolare con le sue limonaie, Torri ha un fascino tranquillo e raccolto, Malcesine ha più delle altre un'impronta veneziana... e così via, di ogni posto si può dire qualcosa di esclusivo. Alcuni tratti che le accomunano sono, oltre alla bellezza e alla serenità del paesaggio, la grande pulizia di ogni luogo, l'ottimo livello dell'offerta turistica, la generale gentilezza delle persone. La buona dotazione di parcheggi permette di godere di ogni luogo in tranquillità ed è molto comodo anche il servizio traghetti. Ci sono ovunque bei negozi; i prezzi forse non sono popolari ma l'offerta è comunque diversificata. Non so se il mio giudizio può risultare falsato dal fatto che sono stata qui in giornate di non enorme afflusso turistico, ma il fascino ed il senso di pace che questi luoghi trasmettono sono eccezionali.
Scritta in data 1 maggio 2022
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Lago di Garda, Italia3’305 contributi
mar 2022 • Coppie
Garda è una cittadina che si affaccia sull'omonimo lago offrendo al turista un centro pedonale ampio e ricco di negozi, ristoranti e bar a bordo lago. Non manca un ampia ricezione alberghiera per tutte le esigenze. Un grande parcheggio a pagamento si estende a lato della caratteristica limonaia, comodo in quanto è a pochi passi dal lago. Nei pressi del paese a pochi minuti di auto, ci sono famose e bellissime spiagge attrezzate per diverse attività sportive e o anche semplicemente per prendere il sole o nuotare in acque molto limpide. Nella stagione estiva Garda è frequentata da turisti in prevalenza tedeschi, che in alcuni casi hanno acquistato anche la casa. Nella parte interna rispetto alla passeggiata a lago, ci sono un dedalo di stradine caratteristiche con molti negozietti e localini in cui soffermarsi per gustare gelati o piatti locali. Sicuramente una tappa da provare.
Scritta in data 8 marzo 2022
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Booked flights for summer flying into Milan Bergamo. Flying as a family of 4 children age 8 and 10. Not sure where to stay? Any suggestions? Need a pool. AC, near to ferry port? Thanks
Scritta in data 15 gennaio 2024
Want to visit from Rome . Lake como, lake Garda . Glirance. Then fly back home from Venice. What is the best route to maximize time?
Scritta in data 25 giugno 2023
Hi there. My partner and I are planning to drive to Lake Garda from Venice and were curious about how good of a food destination this is. We look for two things when planning trips, gorgeous hotels and fantastic food. Are there a lot of decent food options? I saw there are a lot of Michelin restaurants but are there some casual eats as well?
Scritta in data 1 marzo 2020
Absolutely yes! Garda and Bardalino especially have many places to choose from where you will find good food and wine. Have a lovely time on holiday.
Scritta in data 1 marzo 2020
Hola, en Julio tenemos pensado hacer la excursión desde Milan a Verona y crucero al Lago Di Garda. Nuestra inquietud es la seguridad de las lanchas, puesto que viajamos con un niño pequeño? Son seguras para niños? Van a velocidad reducida?
Scritta in data 15 gennaio 2020
hola, nosotros no pudimos viajar porque el clima en primavera es inestable y ventoso... el día previsto ... llovio... y se suspenden las navegciones... Espero que te toque un dia magnífico
Scritta in data 25 gennaio 2020
Can anyone recommend a private hire company where as can have a driver for 7 girls from venice to lake Garda on a day trip but not cost silly money? Proposed date Sun 21 Sept
Scritta in data 11 settembre 2019
We are arriving into Venice Marco polo airport on fri 21 sept for a friends 40th
We are planning a day trip to lake Garda on the Saturday or Sunday is any day better ?
What’s best way for 7 lDues to travel from Venice to maximise our full day?
What’s a MUST do in lake garda?
Help please
Scritta in data 8 settembre 2019
I suggest you look for any organised day trips from Venice to Lake Garda. Plenty of lakeside restaurants to sample. Nice exclusive shops. Ferry crossings galore to see other resorts on the lake but of only there for a day take the shorter crossings to Salo or Gardon de Riviera. It is a beautiful place for chilling out. You'll probably agree that one day isn't long enough.Enjoy!
Scritta in data 9 settembre 2019
In quale spiaggia posso portare i bimbi a fare il bagno al lago versante veronese? Cerco acqua pulita e zone d ombra perché abbiamo anche un neonato in passeggino. Consigliate anche la val di sogno?
Scritta in data 20 agosto 2019
Tra la Val di Sogno e Malcesine
Scritta in data 20 agosto 2019
Staying in Sirmione and would like to go on a boat trip towards the more mountainous areas on the lake. Malcesine seems like too far from sirmione, please can anyone recommend a resort om the lake which is nearer but still just as picturesque as malcesine. Thanks in advance.
Scritta in data 23 giugno 2019
You could get a bus to Malcesine and then a ferry. Quicker and cheaper. Failing that, torri del Benaco is also a beautiful place with reasonable views up and down the lake
Scritta in data 23 giugno 2019
Hi, we are going to Lake Garda for the first time on September 20th. We only have 2.5 days and I really want to find the perfect place to base ourselves but it’s quiet overwhelming! It’s a trip for my husbands 40th and we’re leaving the kids behind, so preferably somewhere picturesque and fairly quiet with access to the water & a beach. We love food and nice walks it don’t need lots of water sports and activity. Any recommendations that fit this bill?? Thank you
Scritta in data 15 giugno 2019
Hi if you have a car the north of the lake is spectacular with the mountains backdrop. Riva del Garda and Malcesine are picturesque but busy. Between the two there's many beautiful beaches. Torbole and Navene are quieter beaches. There is a good walk from Riva to Arco along the River or Hire bicycles.
Garda town is a great base. Different beauty, great stroll to Bordalino 40 minutes with swim stops along the way. You can also swim from the beach at the north of Garda Bay. If you are more energetic you can continue and walk to Lazise an hour and thirty minutes stroll. Better still hire bicycles from near the bus station and cycle, it's flat path all the way. There is a good bus service, one hour twenty minutes to Verona. But with only 2.5 days I would get the early 9am steam ferry to Sirmione, visit the castle and walk upto the Roman ruins or chill over lunch near the castle and watch the world go by before returning to Garda. I would get a boat that goes via Lazise and Bordalino to see the coastline. I would have a quick dip, grab a glass of Bordalino Superior on my way back to the hotel. Change and go to eat and finish off at the Can e Gato listening to live music. There are other live music bars. Enjoy your stay wherever you choose.
Scritta in data 17 giugno 2019
We are staying in Garda Town ,next month and would like to see a few other Towns while there but would prefer to spend a good few hours or a Whole day even , exploring properly, rather than rushing around not seeing much. Thinking of Limone and Medelecine by Ferry , walking into Bordolino ,one day ,and maybe Verona by Bus . Has any one got any infothat would be usefulto know or tips to help us with the above ideas , Ferry route etc ,to make the best of this holiday. (First timers ) We can always return to do more exploring . Thank you in advance
Scritta in data 24 maggio 2019
Verona and Garda
Verona a medieval old town built between the meandering Adige River. It’s famous for being the setting of Shakespeare’s "Romeo and Juliet." A 14th-century residence with a tiny balcony overlooking a courtyard is said be “Juliet’s House."
The Verona Arena is a huge 1st-century Roman amphitheater, which currently hosts concerts and large-scale opera performances.
After the Colosseum in Rome and the amphitheatre in Capua, the Roman arena in Verona is the third largest Roman amphitheatre. zainoo.
There are so many things to do in Verona and there have been a few questions on this topic recently. The main things to see are the beautifully preserved Arena, Piazza Bra with its pavement cafes, Piazza dei Signori and the statue of Dante, Piazza delle Erbe and its frescoes, ALL the churches and Castelvecchio. You can go up the Lamberti Tower for a great view over the city rooftops.
Unfortunately, unless you arrive very early in the morning, you may not have the time to explore also the other notable destinations such as the Roman theater, Castelvecchio (the old castle), san Zeno church and the Giardino dei Giusti (from which you can have a really nice view on the old center). But never mind, once you have discovered Verona for the first time, you won’t help coming back to spend there the time it deserves!
Verona in one day walking tour: from Piazza Bra to Piazza delle Erbe
You walking tour starts from Porta Nuova. In front of you, the massive Roman arena stands out in the lively square. Still remarkably well preserved, today it’s home to Verona’s summer opera and jazz festivals.
Verona in one day - the Roman theater
The Roman Arena circa 8 euro OAP
From Piazza Bra, the lively via Mazzini will lead you to the city center. In a small street on your right (via Scudo di Francia), pay attention to the historical Bottega del Vino. It’s a perfect place to sip a glass of wine or to reserve your lunch.
Verona in one day
A few meters ahead, turn right and follow the signs for what is known to be the house and balcony of Juliet. Of course, there’s no historical evidence of it, just popular belief…
The house is in a courtyard off Via Capello. You will also find a statue of Juliet and according to the tradition you can rub Juliet’s breast for good luck! The 13th century house is a good example of Gothic architecture. Unfortunately the masses of tourists that mill around the courtyard makes it the least romantic place in Verona…
Nevertheless, I find really funny to look at the many ways tourists express their love, from writing it on the walls (note that walls are covered with drawing paper, changed from time to time and sold as souvenir!), on the tiles (yes, you can purchase a tile and have it engraved, for just 75€!), on the padlocks, and even on chewed chewing gums (do their beloved really deserve it???)!!!
Juliet Statue (note the polished breast!)
A hundred meters away from crowded Juliet courtyard lays beautiful and lively piazza delle Erbe. Once the Roman Forum, it is still home to a market. In the evening, it fills with locals and tourists sipping their Aperitivo at the outdoor cafes.
It’s an excellent place for a rest, before climbing up Torre dei Lamberti.
C 8Euro
Verona in one day: from Piazza delle Erbe to the Arche Scaligere
The Torre dei Lamberti (Lamberti Family tower) is a medieval bell tower just off Piazza delle Erbe. It was started in the 12th century and was raised a few times after that until it reached its final height of 84 meters. It also has 238 steps to climb… but you can cheat and take the elevator.
The entrance is just near Palazzo della Ragione, look for the small passage way in Piazza delle Erbe. On top of it you will have fantastic views of the city and of the
Just after Piazza delle Erbe you will find the second most famous ancient square: Piazza dei Signori (square of the lords), a small square surrounded by monumental buildings. In the center is a statue of Dante and perched atop buildings around the square are more famous signori. This square was once the seat of the city’s public institutions.
Just around the corner from Piazza dei Signori you will discover one of the most famous monuments of Verona: the Arche Scaligere. The Arche Scaligere are five elaborated Gothic funerary monuments, considered some of the best examples of Gothic art. They belong to members of the Scaligeri family, who ruled Verona in the 13th and 14th centuries. Take ten minutes to visit the nearby Santa Maria Antica tiny church.
Verona in one day walking tour: from the Arche Scaligere to Sant’Anastasia
After visiting the Arche Scaligere turn right and head to the Lungo Adige. You will pass in front of what is “reportedly” the house of Romeo, a nice restaurant (Osteria del Duca) and many old palaces and streets. Here you will hardly see any tourist, and you can enjoy the off the beaten path side of Verona.
Walk down the Lungo Adige (the banks of the River Adige) and enjoy the beautiful hills around Verona.
In this area, you will find many nice restaurants, especially in delightful old via Sottoriva street. It’s an excellent place to taste the typical Verona cuisine.
Choose your preferred restaurant under the old porticoes. Traditional dishes in Verona include the Baccalà (salted cod served with polenta, ie mais pudding) and pasta e fagioli (pasta with beans).
After your lunch, you can visit some really astonishing churches: Sant’Anastasia and the Duomo.
Sant’Anastasia is my preferred church in Verona, and you will find it very close to via Sottoriva. Despite its unfinished façade, its interior has some amazing artwork, including renaissance frescoes, paintings and sculptures.
Begun in 1290, but not completed until 1481, it’s Gothic/Romaensque in style and Verona’s biggest church. Its an amazingly beautiful church, well worth the entry ticket (included in the Verona pass).
Verona in one day walking tour: from Sant’Anastasia to Porta Borsari
Before heading to the Duomo (Verona cathedral), take some time to admire the old Roman bridge, the “Ponte di Pietra”.
Verona in one day
Verona’s main cathedral, or Duomo, is a stunning 12th-century church. It is actually a complex of buildings that includes a 12th century Baptistery, the Canons Cloister, and Saint Elena Church and remains of a 4th century paleo-Christian basilica. The octagonal Romanesque baptismal font is decorated with carved Biblical scenes. It was carved out of a single block of marble. The Baptistery has frescoes from the 13th to 15th centuries.
The cathedral’s frescoes are from the 15th to 18th centuries and the exterior is decorated with 12th century reliefs.
Verona in one day
We are approaching the end of this tour, but we still have to admire one of Verona main highlights: the Porta Borsari.
Located at the end of – guess what – corso di Porta Borsari, this ancient Roman gate once marked the southern entrance into Verona. It’s a great and beautiful example of Roman taste for theatrical scenes, even in civil buildings.
From Porta Borsari, get back to piazza Bra to get the bus to the station
Enjoy your Verona Tourh
Pizzeria Bardolino is your pizzeria restaurant in the historic center of Bardolino on Lake Garda. The Pizzeria Bardolino Restaurant is appreciated for its specialty of pizza cooked in the wood-burning oven. In the reception and in the service you will find a young staff followed by Mario who can advise you in choosing the menu.Not on the front
Sun - Sat
12:00 - 14:30
17:30 - 23:00
Via Fosse 27, 37011, Bardolino, Italy
+39 045 621 2069
Taxi from Bardolino c £10 /12euro
Bus 163/164 c 2£ /2.5euro
La Virata Trattoria del Pesce
Fabulous Food
We ate here on an evening while the wine festival was on.
Such a hidden gem opposite the Bardolino pizzeria, think it's owned by same, in one of the streets away from the front.
Excellent service and food.
We had seafood risotto to start that was one of the best I've ever tasted, so smooth and silky.
A great range of fresh dishes and delicious pasta.
We would highly recommend this restaurant
Opposite the Pizzaria Bardolino
Similar prices rated slightly higher but sea food
Restaurant La Cantinetta (The little Cellar)
takes its name from the former destination of the kindness rooms where it is located in the historic center of Bardolino, famous and characteristic town of Verona side of Lake Garda. The environment, the restoration of an ancient wine cellar, includes three cozy dining rooms and a large outdoor plateatico. The outdoor tables in front of the restaurant, along the picturesque Via San Martino adorning the romantic harmony outdoor spaces, are ideal for outdoor dining. Selected wines The wine cellar contains about a hundred labels, selected from the best local and national wineries. The true Mediterranean…
Veg friendly London prices main Tourist area from excellent to mixed reviews
La Taverna del Borgo. Here Rated 4th way out of town
Verona and Garda
Verona a medieval old town built between the meandering Adige River. It’s famous for being the setting of Shakespeare’s "Romeo and Juliet." A 14th-century residence with a tiny balcony overlooking a courtyard is said be “Juliet’s House."
The Verona Arena is a huge 1st-century Roman amphitheater, which currently hosts concerts and large-scale opera performances.
After the Colosseum in Rome and the amphitheatre in Capua, the Roman arena in Verona is the third largest Roman amphitheatre. zainoo.
There are so many things to do in Verona and there have been a few questions on this topic recently. The main things to see are the beautifully preserved Arena, Piazza Bra with its pavement cafes, Piazza dei Signori and the statue of Dante, Piazza delle Erbe and its frescoes, ALL the churches and Castelvecchio. You can go up the Lamberti Tower for a great view over the city rooftops.
Unfortunately, unless you arrive very early in the morning, you may not have the time to explore also the other notable destinations such as the Roman theater, Castelvecchio (the old castle), san Zeno church and the Giardino dei Giusti (from which you can have a really nice view on the old center). But never mind, once you have discovered Verona for the first time, you won’t help coming back to spend there the time it deserves!
Verona in one day walking tour: from Piazza Bra to Piazza delle Erbe
You walking tour starts from Porta Nuova. In front of you, the massive Roman arena stands out in the lively square. Still remarkably well preserved, today it’s home to Verona’s summer opera and jazz festivals.
Verona in one day - the Roman theater
The Roman Arena circa 8 euro OAP
From Piazza Bra, the lively via Mazzini will lead you to the city center. In a small street on your right (via Scudo di Francia), pay attention to the historical Bottega del Vino. It’s a perfect place to sip a glass of wine or to reserve your lunch.
Verona in one day
A few meters ahead, turn right and follow the signs for what is known to be the house and balcony of Juliet. Of course, there’s no historical evidence of it, just popular belief…
The house is in a courtyard off Via Capello. You will also find a statue of Juliet and according to the tradition you can rub Juliet’s breast for good luck! The 13th century house is a good example of Gothic architecture. Unfortunately the masses of tourists that mill around the courtyard makes it the least romantic place in Verona…
Nevertheless, I find really funny to look at the many ways tourists express their love, from writing it on the walls (note that walls are covered with drawing paper, changed from time to time and sold as souvenir!), on the tiles (yes, you can purchase a tile and have it engraved, for just 75€!), on the padlocks, and even on chewed chewing gums (do their beloved really deserve it???)!!!
Juliet Statue (note the polished breast!)
A hundred meters away from crowded Juliet courtyard lays beautiful and lively piazza delle Erbe. Once the Roman Forum, it is still home to a market. In the evening, it fills with locals and tourists sipping their Aperitivo at the outdoor cafes.
It’s an excellent place for a rest, before climbing up Torre dei Lamberti.
C 8Euro
Verona in one day: from Piazza delle Erbe to the Arche Scaligere
The Torre dei Lamberti (Lamberti Family tower) is a medieval bell tower just off Piazza delle Erbe. It was started in the 12th century and was raised a few times after that until it reached its final height of 84 meters. It also has 238 steps to climb… but you can cheat and take the elevator.
The entrance is just near Palazzo della Ragione, look for the small passage way in Piazza delle Erbe. On top of it you will have fantastic views of the city and of the
Just after Piazza delle Erbe you will find the second most famous ancient square: Piazza dei Signori (square of the lords), a small square surrounded by monumental buildings. In the center is a statue of Dante and perched atop buildings around the square are more famous signori. This square was once the seat of the city’s public institutions.
Just around the corner from Piazza dei Signori you will discover one of the most famous monuments of Verona: the Arche Scaligere. The Arche Scaligere are five elaborated Gothic funerary monuments, considered some of the best examples of Gothic art. They belong to members of the Scaligeri family, who ruled Verona in the 13th and 14th centuries. Take ten minutes to visit the nearby Santa Maria Antica tiny church.
Verona in one day walking tour: from the Arche Scaligere to Sant’Anastasia
After visiting the Arche Scaligere turn right and head to the Lungo Adige. You will pass in front of what is “reportedly” the house of Romeo, a nice restaurant (Osteria del Duca) and many old palaces and streets. Here you will hardly see any tourist, and you can enjoy the off the beaten path side of Verona.
Walk down the Lungo Adige (the banks of the River Adige) and enjoy the beautiful hills around Verona.
In this area, you will find many nice restaurants, especially in delightful old via Sottoriva street. It’s an excellent place to taste the typical Verona cuisine.
Choose your preferred restaurant under the old porticoes. Traditional dishes in Verona include the Baccalà (salted cod served with polenta, ie mais pudding) and pasta e fagioli (pasta with beans).
After your lunch, you can visit some really astonishing churches: Sant’Anastasia and the Duomo.
Sant’Anastasia is my preferred church in Verona, and you will find it very close to via Sottoriva. Despite its unfinished façade, its interior has some amazing artwork, including renaissance frescoes, paintings and sculptures.
Begun in 1290, but not completed until 1481, it’s Gothic/Romaensque in style and Verona’s biggest church. Its an amazingly beautiful church, well worth the entry ticket (included in the Verona pass).
Verona in one day walking tour: from Sant’Anastasia to Porta Borsari
Before heading to the Duomo (Verona cathedral), take some time to admire the old Roman bridge, the “Ponte di Pietra”.
Verona in one day
Verona’s main cathedral, or Duomo, is a stunning 12th-century church. It is actually a complex of buildings that includes a 12th century Baptistery, the Canons Cloister, and Saint Elena Church and remains of a 4th century paleo-Christian basilica. The octagonal Romanesque baptismal font is decorated with carved Biblical scenes. It was carved out of a single block of marble. The Baptistery has frescoes from the 13th to 15th centuries.
The cathedral’s frescoes are from the 15th to 18th centuries and the exterior is decorated with 12th century reliefs.
Verona in one day
We are approaching the end of this tour, but we still have to admire one of Verona main highlights: the Porta Borsari.
Located at the end of – guess what – corso di Porta Borsari, this ancient Roman gate once marked the southern entrance into Verona. It’s a great and beautiful example of Roman taste for theatrical scenes, even in civil buildings.
From Porta Borsari, get back to piazza Bra to get the bus to the station
Enjoy your Verona Tourh
Pizzeria Bardolino is your pizzeria restaurant in the historic center of Bardolino on Lake Garda. The Pizzeria Bardolino Restaurant is appreciated for its specialty of pizza cooked in the wood-burning oven. In the reception and in the service you will find a young staff followed by Mario who can advise you in choosing the menu.Not on the front
Sun - Sat
12:00 - 14:30
17:30 - 23:00
Via Fosse 27, 37011, Bardolino, Italy
+39 045 621 2069
Taxi from Bardolino c £10 /12euro
Bus 163/164 c 2£ /2.5euro
La Virata Trattoria del Pesce
Fabulous Food
We ate here on an evening while the wine festival was on.
Such a hidden gem opposite the Bardolino pizzeria, think it's owned by same, in one of the streets away from the front.
Excellent service and food.
We had seafood risotto to start that was one of the best I've ever tasted, so smooth and silky.
A great range of fresh dishes and delicious pasta.
We would highly recommend this restaurant
Opposite the Pizzaria Bardolino
Similar prices rated slightly higher but sea food
Restaurant La Cantinetta (The little Cellar)
takes its name from the former destination of the kindness rooms where it is located in the historic center of Bardolino, famous and characteristic town of Verona side of Lake Garda. The environment, the restoration of an ancient wine cellar, includes three cozy dining rooms and a large outdoor plateatico. The outdoor tables in front of the restaurant, along the picturesque Via San Martino adorning the romantic harmony outdoor spaces, are ideal for outdoor dining. Selected wines The wine cellar contains about a hundred labels, selected from the best local and national wineries. The true Mediterranean…
Veg friendly London prices main Tourist area from excellent to mixed reviews
La Taverna del Borgo. Here Rated 4th way out of
The Verona Arena is a huge 1st-century Roman amphitheater, which currently hosts concerts and large-scale opera performances.
After the Colosseum in Rome and the amphitheatre in Capua, the Roman arena in Verona is the third largest Roman amphitheatre. zainoo.
There are so many things to do in Verona and there have been a few questions on this topic recently. The main things to see are the beautifully preserved Arena, Piazza Bra with its pavement cafes, Piazza dei Signori and the statue of Dante, Piazza delle Erbe and its frescoes, ALL the churches and Castelvecchio. You can go up the Lamberti Tower for a great view over the city Unfortunately, unless you arrive very early in the morning, you may not have the time to explore also the other notable destinations such as the Roman theater, Castelvecchio (the old castle), san Zeno church and the Giardino dei Giusti (from which you can have a really nice view on the old center). But never mind, once you have discovered Verona for the first time, you won’t help coming back to spend there the time it deserves!
Verona in one day walking tour: from Piazza Bra to Piazza delle Erbe
You walking tour starts from Porta Nuova. In front of you, the massive Roman arena stands out in the lively square. Still remarkably well preserved, today it’s home to Verona’s summer opera and jazz festivals.
Verona in one day - the Roman theater
The Roman Arena circa 8 euro OAP
From Piazza Bra, the lively via Mazzini will lead you to the city center. In a small street on your right (via Scudo di Francia), pay attention to the historical Bottega del Vino. It’s a perfect place to sip a glass of wine or to reserve your lunch.
Verona in one day
A few meters ahead, turn right and follow the signs for what is known to be the house and balcony of Juliet. Of course, there’s no historical evidence of it, just popular belief…
The house is in a courtyard off Via Capello. You will also find a statue of Juliet and according to the tradition you can rub Juliet’s breast for good luck! The 13th century house is a good example of Gothic architecture. Unfortunately the masses of tourists that mill around the courtyard makes it the least romantic place in Verona…
Nevertheless, I find really funny to look at the many ways tourists express their love, from writing it on the walls (note that walls are covered with drawing paper, changed from time to time and sold as souvenir!), on the tiles (yes, you can purchase a tile and have it engraved, for just 75€!), on the padlocks, and even on chewed chewing gums (do their beloved really deserve it???)!!!
Juliet Statue (note the polished breast!)
A hundred meters away from crowded Juliet courtyard lays beautiful and lively piazza delle Erbe. Once the Roman Forum, it is still home to a market. In the evening, it fills with locals and tourists sipping their Aperitivo at the outdoor cafes.
It’s an excellent place for a rest, before climbing up Torre dei Lamberti.
C 8Euro
Get a map
Verona in one day: from Piazza delle Erbe to the Arche Scaligere
The Torre dei Lamberti (Lamberti Family tower) is a medieval bell tower just off Piazza delle Erbe. It was started in the 12th century and was raised a few times after that until it reached its final height of 84 meters. It also has 238 steps to climb… but you can cheat and take the elevator.
The entrance is just near Palazzo della Ragione, look for the small passage way in Piazza delle Erbe. On top of it you will have fantastic views of the city and of the
Just after Piazza delle Erbe you will find the second most famous ancient square: Piazza dei Signori (square of the lords), a small square surrounded by monumental buildings. In the center is a statue of Dante and perched atop buildings around the square are more famous signori. This square was once the seat of the city’s public institutions.
Just around the corner from Piazza dei Signori you will discover one of the most famous monuments of Verona: the Arche Scaligere. The Arche Scaligere are five elaborated Gothic funerary monuments, considered some of the best examples of Gothic art. They belong to members of the Scaligeri family, who ruled Verona in the 13th and 14th centuries. Take ten minutes to visit the nearby Santa Maria Antica tiny church.
Verona in one day walking tour: from the Arche Scaligere to Sant’Anastasia
After visiting the Arche Scaligere turn right and head to the Lungo Adige. You will pass in front of what is “reportedly” the house of Romeo, a nice restaurant (Osteria del Duca) and many old palaces and streets. Here you will hardly see any tourist, and you can enjoy the off the beaten path side of Verona.
Walk down the Lungo Adige (the banks of the River Adige) and enjoy the beautiful hills around Verona.
In this area, you will find many nice restaurants, especially in delightful old via Sottoriva street. It’s an excellent place to taste the typical Verona cuisine.
Choose your preferred restaurant under the old porticoes. Traditional dishes in Verona include the Baccalà (salted cod served with polenta, ie mais pudding) and pasta e fagioli (pasta with beans).
After your lunch, you can visit some really astonishing churches: Sant’Anastasia and the Duomo.
Sant’Anastasia is my preferred church in Verona, and you will find it very close to via Sottoriva. Despite its unfinished façade, its interior has some amazing artwork, including renaissance frescoes, paintings and sculptures.
Begun in 1290, but not completed until 1481, it’s Gothic/Romaensque in style and Verona’s biggest church. Its an amazingly beautiful church, well worth the entry ticket (included in the Verona pass).
Verona in one day walking tour: from Sant’Anastasia to Porta Borsari
Before heading to the Duomo (Verona cathedral), take some time to admire the old Roman bridge, the “Ponte di Pietra”.
Verona in one day
Verona’s main cathedral, or Duomo, is a stunning 12th-century church. It is actually a complex of buildings that includes a 12th century Baptistery, the Canons Cloister, and Saint Elena Church and remains of a 4th century paleo-Christian basilica. The octagonal Romanesque baptismal font is decorated with carved Biblical scenes. It was carved out of a single block of marble. The Baptistery has frescoes from the 13th to 15th centuries.
The cathedral’s frescoes are from the 15th to 18th centuries and the exterior is decorated with 12th century reliefs.
Verona in one day
We are approaching the end of this tour, but we still have to admire one of Verona main highlights: the Porta Borsari.
Located at the end of – guess what – corso di Porta Borsari, this ancient Roman gate once marked the southern entrance into Verona. It’s a great and beautiful example of Roman taste for theatrical scenes, even in civil buildings.
From Porta Borsari, get back to piazza Bra to get the bus to the station
Enjoy your Verona Tour
Pizzeria Bardolino is your pizzeria restaurant in the historic center of Bardolino on Lake Garda. The Pizzeria Bardolino Restaurant is appreciated for its specialty of pizza cooked in the wood-burning oven. In the reception and in the service you will find a young staff followed by Mario who can advise you in choosing the menu.Not on the front
Sun - Sat
12:00 - 14:30
17:30 - 23:00
Via Fosse 27, 37011, Bardolino, Italy
+39 045 621 2069
Taxi from Bardolino c £10 /12euro
Bus 163/164 c 2£ /2.5euro
La Virata Trattoria del Pesce
Fabulous Food
We ate here on an evening while the wine festival was on.
Such a hidden gem opposite the Bardolino pizzeria, think it's owned by same, in one of the streets away from the front.
Excellent service and food.
We had seafood risotto to start that was one of the best I've ever tasted, so smooth and silky.
A great range of fresh dishes and delicious pasta.
We would highly recommend this restaurant
Opposite the Pizzaria Bardolino
Similar prices rated slightly higher but sea food
Restaurant La Cantinetta (The little Cellar)
takes its name from the former destination of the kindness rooms where it is located in the historic center of Bardolino, famous and characteristic town of Verona side of Lake Garda. The environment, the restoration of an ancient wine cellar, includes three cozy dining rooms and a large outdoor plateatico. The outdoor tables in front of the restaurant, along the picturesque Via San Martino adorning the romantic harmony outdoor spaces, are ideal for outdoor dining. Selected wines The wine cellar contains about a hundred labels, selected from the best local and national wineries. The true Mediterranean…
Veg friendly London prices main Tourist area from excellent to mixed reviews
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